El día Saturday, October 11, 2014 a las 06:28:57PM +0200, Kurt Jaeger escribió:

> Hi!
> > > mat@ mailed that
> > > 
> > > USE_TEX=latex dvipsk
> > > 
> > > should be used instead of the two additional run_deps.
> > 
> > A side note:
> > 
> > bapt switched from 'latex' to texlive:
> [...]
> > > Can you test if this works in your use-case and report the results ?
> Btw, what is your use-case ?
> How do you invoke muttprint and what does it call and what does it do
> in the end ? Does it really generate a .ps to send to the printer ?


I'm using muttprint to print mail from the MUA mutt; the mail is piped
into the configured print cmd:

set print_cmd="muttprint --printer pdf --paper A4 --rem_sig "

muttprint is a Perl script which needs among other tools:

# fgrep system /usr/local/bin/muttprint
system("latex -interaction=nonstopmode mail.tex >> $errorRedirection 2>&1");
system("latex -interaction=nonstopmode mail.tex >> $errorRedirection 2>&1");
system("dvips -t $paperformat -o $Temp{ps} $Temp{dvi} >> $errorRedirection 

i.e. needs in PATH 'latex' and 'dvips'; at the end it will generate a
Postscript file and hand it over to CUPS which generates for me a PDF
file in disk, which does the above mentioned printer 'pdf' in CUPS (but
could as well print to any other printer defined in CUPS);

this is my use case;

> > > and yes, when you compile the port directly with
> > 
> > # make install
> > 
> > 'USE_TEX= texlive' pulls in
> > Tex, but it does not if you compile the ports with poudriere.
> I'm surprised that USE_TEX=texlive in poudriere does not pull it in.

Mee too.

> Can you provide a build log to show this ?

Will do this tomorrow.



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