El día Saturday, October 11, 2014 a las 05:20:16PM +0200, Kurt Jaeger escribió:


I have removed Lukas Ruf <lukas....@lpr.ch> from the thread because he
said to me that he does not use FreeBSD since ~1995.

> mat@ mailed that
> USE_TEX=latex dvipsk
> should be used instead of the two additional run_deps.

A side note:

bapt switched from 'latex' to texlive:

r350369 | bapt | 2014-04-06 17:42:15 +0200 (dom 06 de abr de 2014) | 3

Support stage
Switch from latex to texlive

> Can you test if this works in your use-case and report the results ?

and yes, when you compile the port directly with

# make install

'USE_TEX= texlive' pulls in
Tex, but it does not if you compile the ports with poudriere. I broough
this question up in freebsd-pkg@ but did not got any comments on this.

I can revoke the change in my VM / poudriere and send in a complete log
of the compilation of print/muttprint if someone is willing to dig into.
For the moment, I have not found any other solution as the two
additional lines.



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