In all fairness, I have often found this type of "strange error" to be a
culmination of several different problems getting rolled into one symptom.

* I was trying to print a pdf with two-pages on one A4 paper, when I
realized the problem.
* When I could not print on my FreeBSD system, I copied the pdf files to an
old linux laptop and tried printing from there. Surprise! evince was unable
to display the pdf file (some error "I can't do this").
* I went back to my FreeBSD PC and noticed that evince fails to show the pdf
in proper format, but shows some (not all) pages upside-down.
* I opened Okular, saved the pdf files with a new name and copied those
files to the old linux laptop. I opened the "okular transformed" files with
evince; no problems, and printed the files exactly as I wanted to.

What the hell does this all mean? I have no idea! But,
* I am merging gnome3 (marcusom) ports into my tree, so there's the first
* I tried printing a PDF file from Okular (KDE related, not Gnome) from the
FreeBSD OS but failed for the same reason, and that's a second clue.
* I wonder if ghostscript + Gnome3 merging has any relation to the problem?
* As reminder, LPT printing to HP2100 is working (have not setup filters for
LPT yet) for text files only.

That's all I've got for now...

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