
I ran poudriere for the installed cups* ports and did an upgrade. The
missing commandtops file was restored when upgrade installed cups-image (not
cups-filter), so that problem is resolved. Printing still fails though.

I have a Virtual-PDF printer defined in cups with Generic PPD. To simplify,
I decided to test with this printer and again got "Filter Failed" message.
Link to log with "level debug" for this job:

Virtual-PDF PPD:
DeviceURI cups-pdf:/
*FormatVersion: "4.3"
*FileVersion:   "1.1"
*LanguageVersion: English
*LanguageEncoding: ISOLatin1
*PCFileName:    "CUPS-PDF.PPD"
*Manufacturer:  "Generic"
*Product:       "(CUPS v1.1)"
*ModelName:     "Generic CUPS-PDF Printer"
*1284DeviceID:  "MFG:Generic;MDL:CUPS-PDF Printer;DES:Generic CUPS-PDF
*% cupsFilter:    "application/vnd.cups-postscript 0 pstitleiconv"
*PSVersion:     "(2017.000) 0"
*LanguageLevel: "2"
*ColorDevice:   True
*DefaultColorSpace: RGB
*FileSystem:    False
*Throughput:    "8"
*LandscapeOrientation: Plus90
*TTRasterizer:  Type42

Separately, I have noticed a potentially incompatible option setting as
print/cups-base (MDNSRESPONDER or AVAHI)
print/cups-filters (AVAHI)
I don't want to use Zeroconf at all, so I prefer to turn these options off.
While print/cups-filters gets built with UNSET AVAHI, print/cups-base does
not and requires that at least ONE of the Zeroconf options have been
enabled. I have no idea how compatible the resulting binaries will be when
Avahi is used in port but  MDNS in another.

Thanks & Regards.

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