Eitan Adler wrote:
> On 3 June 2014 10:11, John Marino <freebsd.cont...@marino.st> wrote:
>> ... it's doubtful most folks unwilling to register are
>> about to make a meaningful report...
> This is *not* the reason for registation.
> The reason for registation is that we know from experience that having
> a way to talk with the reporter drastically increases the chance that
> the bug will get fixed.  Registration offers verification of the
> submitters email.
+1 ... actually +~ ... been there done than...

at SORBS (attacked on a daily basis at times)... I went with the
following that FreeBSD might find useful:

1/ No login, no information (static pages only)
2/ No Login + Catpcha (self generated, tho reCaptcha would work),
limited information and rate limiting (on IP address)
3/ Login - email verified, admin *not verified* (ie general user) .. a
little more information than in (2) and rate limits increased (and not
limited to IP - though changing IP will require re-login).
4/ Login - email verified - admin verified (ie: privileged user) .. full
(almost - based on permissions) access... rate limiting removed.

how I could see that apply to FreeBSD (using the same numbering):

1/ static pages only
2/ can view a bug (and *maybe* log a bug - a single bug per day/week/month)
3/ can log a bug and view a bug
4/ can work on a bug, log a bug and view a bug.
> We would rather get fewer higher quality and more engaged bugs than
> what we've had in the past where bugs were a one way vent.
> To preempt the next question: why don't we allow users to submit via
> email but verify with a token?   That system isn't possible with how
> the gateway is set up now.  Its a long term possability.  If someone
> wants to help set that up please contact me offline (at bugmeister@).
I'm happy to help setup all sorts of anti-spam systems - feel free to
mail me offlist.
> What about bug followups via email? 
Possibly a problem (but not really - "if you're not the originator of
the bug, and not logged in, you can't update it at all"..)
>  That one won't be supported for a
> bit as we get used to bugzilla.  It certainly on the cards to support
> in the future.


Michelle Sullivan

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