On 3 Jun 2014, at 16:18, Fbsd8 <fb...@a1poweruser.com> wrote:

> This is the first I have seen this GNATS to Bugzilla subject discussed.

Then you have not been paying attention to any discussions for the past few 
years.  Here, for example, is the Bugmeister team's entry in the status report 
from Q1 2013:


> GNATS has been working just fine for many years

No it hasn't.  It's the most cited reason for people not to report bugs in 
FreeBSD and a lot of developers simply refuse to learn an antiquated system.  
Compare the number of bugs closed in the last two days (since Bugzilla went 
online) to the number in the last year and see.

> , why the change to Bugzilla?

For the reasons outlined on these wiki pages:


> Who makes this kind of change in a vacuum?

No one.  The Bugmeister team made the change after spending several *years* 
consulting with the developer community.


Core, after discussion with the developer community.

> Why was the ports mailing list not included in this before now?

Huh?  The discussions have taken place at DevSummits, on mailing lists, on IRC, 
and so on.  Portmgr was involved in the migration process.  They've been 
summarised in status reports.  The one I cited earlier contains this:

> As always, anybody interested in helping out with the PR queue is welcome to 
> join us in #freebsd-bugbusters on EFnet

After many years of calls for help in this, people like Peter and Eitan 
actually did the (massive amount of) work required to move us to a modern 
bug-tracking system and *now* you choose to get involved, by screaming abuse at 


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