On 01.05.14 17:26, Uwe Doering wrote:
> On 01.05.14 16:33, Paul Hoffman wrote:
>> On May 1, 2014, at 3:03 AM, Uwe Doering <gem...@geminix.org> wrote:
>>> I indeed wondered why this variable hadn't been mentioned so far. Guys,
>>> you do have "WITH_OPENSSL_PORT=yes" in your "/etc/make.conf", haven't you?
>>> Because otherwise the whole thread might be considered a false alert.
>>> The ports system does not link with the ports' OpenSSL of its own
>>> accord. Or at least not in a reliable/predictable manner. You have to
>>> explicitly tell it what you want.
>> Please consider whether it is appropriate to chide people for not knowing 
>> about an *undocumented* feature of make.conf.
> First of all, I certainly didn't intend to chide anyone, so I apologize
> if some of you got the impression. Having worked with FreeBSD and the
> ports system for years I was under the impression that this information
> would be readily available in the docs.
> But on further research it appears to me that this is indeed pretty well
> hidden in only some mailing list and forum articles, where I probably
> learned it from in the past.
> [...]

One additional data point: "WITH_OPENSSL_PORT" is mentioned in the
FreeBSD Porter's Handbook:


But then, it cannot be expected that mere _users_ of the ports tree read
the Porter's Handbook. And it is also not mentioned there that it is, to
my knowledge, considered good practice to have that setting in
"/etc/make.conf" in order to avoid any confusion about which port is
linked with what version of OpenSSL.

Best regards,

Uwe Doering
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