On 01.05.14 01:38, Darren Pilgrim wrote:
> On 4/30/2014 12:48 PM, Michael Grimm wrote:
>> [CC'd to freebsd-ports]
>> On 28.04.2014, at 00:50, Jamie Landeg-Jones <ja...@dyslexicfish.net>
>> wrote:
>>> Scot Hetzel <swhet...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Here's a list of some that link against /lib/libcrypto.so.7 and/or
>>> /lib/libssl.so.7
>> [...]
>>> devel/android-tools-adb
>>> net-p2p/transmission-cli
>>> net-p2p/transmission-daemon
>>> net/socat
>>> net/svnup
>>> ports-mgmt/pkg
>>> security/john
>>> security/scrypt
>>> security/trousers
>>> sysutils/tarsnap
>> + www/nginx
> Nginx respects WITH_OPENSSL_PORT.

I indeed wondered why this variable hadn't been mentioned so far. Guys,
you do have "WITH_OPENSSL_PORT=yes" in your "/etc/make.conf", haven't you?

Because otherwise the whole thread might be considered a false alert.
The ports system does not link with the ports' OpenSSL of its own
accord. Or at least not in a reliable/predictable manner. You have to
explicitly tell it what you want.

Best regards,

Uwe Doering         |  EscapeBox - IT Consulting
gem...@geminix.org  |  http://www.escapebox.net
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