Baptiste Daroussin wrote:
Hi all,

I want to give to all porters infomations on the rationnale behind all the 
to explain why some things has happened, the rationale behind what we still need
to do to get the ports tree into a modern binary world.

1/ Staging

You may has notice that staging has hit the ports tree, staging is something
really important, all packages system are using that feature for eons, sometime
called DESTDIR sometime called FAKEDIR.

Staging is consistent in adding a new step while building packages: install
everything into ${STAGEDIR}. Then we can directly create packages out of that
directory without having to install into /. What the implementation does is:
With pkg_install (legacy package tools):
- Create a package from the stage directory
- Install that package.

I appreciate staging (long-awaited feature). I think that it should be advertised longer befor it hits the tree with explanation of all changes and side effects.

I was hit by one minor problem today - I used "make package clean" in ports dir to install some port and have it in binary package for backup at the same time. This doesn't work any more. Binary package is created and saved in /usr/ports/packages/All, but port is not installed. I know this is intended but it takes me a few moments before I solved the issue "why the port is not installed?", so I need to change my workflow from now.

Miroslav Lachman
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