Hiroki Sato wrote:

>  If you want to use TeXLive, please try to use the following knob:
>  TEX_DEFAULT= texlive
>  Please test TeXLive and send your failure report to me.  Once it is
>  confirmed that TEX_DEFAULT=texlive works, I will switch the default
>  value from tetex to texlive at some point.

Unfortunately I haven't had the chance to do any testing myself (busy busy
busy), but the following issues have been reported on the FreeBSD Forums
and I'm passing them along here.

If you're not on the Forums and you'd like me to either pass back a
response or ask followup questions, let me know.


* print/latex-cjk has option DVIPDFMX hardcoded to teTeX stuff.

* print/freetype-tools's RUNDEPEND=t1asm is hard coded to teTeX and
  conflicted with bulk print/texlive-base's pkg-plist.

* print/texlive-base needs to be more modularized to achieve drop-in
  replacement with teTeX for downstream ports.

I'm not completely useless, I can be used as a bad example.

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