Hello, As you already noticed, TeXLive ports have been imported and one can choose teTeX or TeXLive while the default value for pre-compiled packages is still teTeX.
If you want to use TeXLive, please try to use the following knob: TEX_DEFAULT= texlive To do this, almost all of ports which use TeX will depend on TeXLive. Although some ports which install a new TeX macro package may not work because of incompatibility such as difference of directory structure between the two, ones which use TeX for typesetting should work fine. Ones to install macro packages which were non-standard in teTeX but are included in TeXLive will be fixed or removed. Please test TeXLive and send your failure report to me. Once it is confirmed that TEX_DEFAULT=texlive works, I will switch the default value from tetex to texlive at some point. -- Hiroki
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