On Tuesday 02 April 2013 19:24:40 Baptiste Daroussin wrote:
> bsd.options.mk can't anyway be loaded after bsd.port.pre.mk given that one
> may want to provide a PYTHON option and will make it set 
USE_PYTHON=yes for
> example.

Sure, you're right.

> I don't know the right fix to be honnest. But UNIQUENAME not being UNIQUE 
> a real problem imho and OPTIONSFILE changing depending on being after
> pre.mk or before pre.mk is another problem.

As far as I know LATEST_LINK should be unique (there was also a service 
checking for duplicates)... What about UNIQUENAME=${LATEST_LINK}?
Anyway the problem is not with UNIQUENAME, it's with the usage of 
PKGNAMESUFFIX. PKGNAMESUFFIX should be used by ports sharing the same 
OPTIONS but with light differencies (e.g., variations of a single port); it 
would be perfect. Unfortunately, time passed and it started being used the 
wrong (so wrong) way. Either PKGNAMESUFFIX usage is fixed (among >20k 
ports!), or UNIQUENAME is set to LATEST_LINK (or similar).

About the loading order, yes, it needs serious thought. At the same time, many 
*.mk files need to be fixed as they don't distinguish between pre- and post-
makefile sections. Some day a vademecum has to be written about those two 
sections, and I volunteer to help with that as I studied the matter quite well 
in the past.
Alberto Villa, FreeBSD committer <avi...@freebsd.org>

There are two problems with a major hangover.  You feel
like you are going to die and you're afraid that you won't.

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