On Tue, Apr 02, 2013 at 07:05:17PM +0200, Alberto Villa wrote:
> On Saturday 30 March 2013 13:46:46 Baptiste Daroussin wrote:
> > FYI this was already happening with old options implementation which was
> > already using uniquename which is not unique *sick*
> IIRC the problem is not UNIQUENAME, but PKGNAMEPREFIX being set after 
> bsd.options.mk uses it to define OPTIONSFILE. bsd.options.mk should be called 
> after bsd.port.pre.mk, to let *.mk files define their own PKGNAMEPREFIX. In 
> fact, defining PKGNAMEPREFIX by hand makes it work.
> I found this problem when porting Qt 5 but had no time to report it; should I 
> attach this information to the PR or is it known already?
> -- 
> Alberto Villa, FreeBSD committer <avi...@freebsd.org>
> http://people.FreeBSD.org/~avilla
>       "The jig's up, Elman."
>       "Which jig?"
>               -- Jeff Elman


OPTIONSFILE is built base on UNIQUENAME which is built which uses PKGNAMEPREFIX.

that is the reason.


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