El día Friday, March 01, 2013 a las 04:14:34PM +0100, Matthias Apitz escribió:

> ok, at the moment only the CUPS filter do what we want directly from an
> UTF-8 test file (q.e.d.)

To be honestly, when we started some years ago to port our library
automation system from ISO 8859-1 to UTF-8 support (in all layers,
database, servers and application frontends) we bothered a lot with
UTF-8 support in all affected areas, as well in print-outs of all type
of letters, listings, statistics etc. A good starting point to get
understanding for all those aspects is the UTF-8/Unicode FAQ for UNIX:


There is as well a chapter about printing which points to CUPS. The
supported languages (Codepoints) in the provided fonts are still very
limited, but extendable and open.


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