On Tue, 26 Feb 2013, Matthias Apitz wrote:

El día Tuesday, February 26, 2013 a las 06:16:37PM +0100, Wojciech Puchar 

i need to emulate print server on device running FreeBSD (which do other
things in the same time) - as standard port 9100 not lpd.

Can it be done.

yes i know i can just add to inetd.conf cat >/dev/ulpt0 BUT

- it will accept a connection even if printer is not connected
- it doesn't work bidirectionally (usually not needed but anyway)

Anyone knows a program from ports (or not) to do this?

Install CUPS (from our ports), catch the incoming data on 9100 with
ncat(1) (from ports) and pipe the data to a "lpr -P.... -o raw" command (of 
which puts a job on the queue for your printer until the
printer comes ready.

netcat is already in base as nc(1).
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