On 09.01.2013 14:53, Adam Vande More wrote:
I don't use knotes, but have you tried the solution here? http://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=84823
Obviously, knotes was just an example. All other customizations (such as menus, backgrounds&screen-savers, email accounts -- everything under ~/.kde) have to be redone too and, frankly, I do not trust today's KDE project to not do the same nonsense again, when they decide to abandon KDE4 for 5 (can't be long now that the release is 4.8).

The very existence of the project Trinity is a sign, that my opinion is shared by a few more people.

    This can all be handled, but meanwhile, until there ARE actual problems,
    leave the ports alone, please.

"Actual problems" have already been cited for it.
No, they have not. The minor security threat cited is easily managed by simply not using kdm on a system, where less than trusted users have access. kdm is a minor part of KDE anyway (I, for one, use xdm).
Fighting change can often lead much more wasted
Yes, it often can. But not in this case. Yours,


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