On 9 Nov 2012 09:53, "Beeblebrox" <zap...@berentweb.com> wrote:
> Pkgng, as a concept may be great, but it's not really working - at least
> me:
> 1. pkg2ng conversion does not do a complete job and I have about half of
> ports in purgatory or a quasi-installed state. The program runs and is
> installed but pkgdb does not have a record for it. So my ports updates do
> half-ass job.
> 2. I am used to portmaster and I accept that portupgrade is "more ready"
> be used with pkgng than portmaster. However, portmaster has the
> "--check-depends" option which I would normally use to correct problem #1,
> alas I see no similar function in portupgrade or pkg. The "portupgrade
> and "pkg check" commands don't do the trick either.
> 3. I have some ports that I never want to install (like accessibility/atk
> net/avahi). The new pkgtools.conf has a nice feature of IGNORE_CATEGORIES
> and HOLD_PKGS which I hope will allow me to "blacklist" those ports but I
> have my doubts as the knob is PKGS and not PORTS - so we'll see.
> though, while trying to get my system pkgng complient and doing updates,
> there have been some ports which were pulled in that I whish to remove. As
> in #2, portmaster --check-depends did a nice job of this and allowed the
> dependency to be removed from the portsdb structure - so same problem here
> as #2.
> 4. I know how to do +IGNOREME in the portsdb and that is a very roundabout
> way of solving an sqlite entry.
> 5. pkg add does not respect existing port version information on the
> If you try to install a package and its dependencies, pkg tries to pull in
> its own preferred version. This happened for perl5 - I have 5.16 already
> the system but pkg kept trying to install 5.14. The only solution was to
> the old "pkg-add -i" to install one-by-one and without the dependencies.
> Interesting how pkgng does not have the -i (no-deps) option??

Mixing versions with binary packages is a bad idea anyway.  Packages are
built with a certain set of dependencies, and you can't mix and match (this
has always been the case).  If you want to do this, use ports.  Packages
are designed to work as a set, hence pkg upgrade just upgrades everything
to the latest version.

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