On Mon, 10 Sep 2012, Kevin Oberman wrote:

If you want ot update all graphics ports, 'svn up
/usr/ports/graphics'. For just updating a single port, 'svn up

But it appears that you chose to not follow the instructions. There is
a reason to delete the existing ports tree and do a checkout. If you
don't, every time something gets updated, it will generate a conflict
as the pre-existing ports tree is not recorded in the .svn file, so
svn sees the existing file as in conflict with the new one and refuses
to download the new one until the conflict is resolved.

(Replying to a random post.)

I haven't seen this asked so far so I'll do it. Is there a cookbook procedure to create a local svn server similar to the one you posted for a single machine update?


[1] create user, group and directory
[2] cd /<somedir>
[3] su <so and so>
[4] svn ...

I have read the FreeBSD svn page and red-beans.com and neither has one or if they do I haven't been able to find it.


R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer
E-mail: kob6...@gmail.com
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