On 9 September 2012 17:30, Kevin Oberman <kob6...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 9, 2012 at 11:57 AM, Lowell Gilbert
> <freebsd-ports-lo...@be-well.ilk.org> wrote:
>> Kevin Oberman <kob6...@gmail.com> writes:
>>> On Sat, Sep 8, 2012 at 4:08 PM, Jeffrey Bouquet
>>> <jeffreybouq...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>>>   I searched quite a bit upon this announcement to find csup > svn 
>>>> equivalent guides and found little applying to ports...
>>>> hopefully they will appear prior to the changeover?, something
>>>> easily learned?
>>> Good point. I found the handbook information adequate, but not as easy
>>> to follow as it might be.
>>> Guess I'll write one. It's really quite easy and much faster then csup.
>>> 1. Install devel/subversion
>>> 2. Select US east coast or US west as your server. Pick at random or
>>> pick the one closer to you.
>>> 3. Rename (mv) ports/distfiles and ports/packages out of /usr/ports
>>> 4. rm -r /usr/ports/*
>>> 5. svn co http://svn0.us-west.freebsd.org/ports/head /usr/ports
>>>    OR
>>>    svn co http://svn0.us-east.freebsd.org/ports/head /usr/ports
>>>    Ports will now be checked out of the repository and written to /usr/ports
>>> 6. make -f /usr/ports/Makefile fetchindex
>>> 7. Move ports/distfiles and ports/packages back into /usr/ports. Since
>>> these directories are not in the repository, they will be ignored by
>>> updates.
>>> 7. Update ports as needed with 'svn up /usr/ports' and 'make -f
>>> /usr/ports/Makefile fetchindex'
>>>    This step does the equivalent of csup.
>>> 8. Use the Subversion manual from http://svnbook.red-bean.com/ to
>>> learn how to other things with svn. Of particular interest is 'svn
>>> info /usr/ports and setting up the .subversion file to do things like
>>> ignore some directories.
>>> If you add private ports to /usr/ports, they will be ignored by svn as
>>> they don't exist in the repository.
>>> If anyone has suggestions on other things that belong in this list,
>>> please let me know.
>> I submitted some changes for the Handbook, but they really only covered
>> the things that I thought were now Wrong. Your descriptions are
>> certainly of higher quality.
> But I am still learning to count without a computer to help. 1, 2, 3,
> 4, 5, 6, 7, 7, 8??? **Sigh**

I think you messed up because you didn't start from the basics:

0, 1, 2, 3 ...

Eitan Adler
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