On 09/06/12 17:13, Alex Dupre wrote:
> O. Hartmann ha scritto:
>> Working on a small port for OpenCL support for CPUs via "freeocl",
>> I run into a problem (runing FreeBSD 10.0-CURRENT).
>> The port requires devel/libatomic_ops, which installs a static library
>> /usr/lcoal/lib/libatomic_ops.a.
>> Following the instructions in the Porter's Handbook for FreeBSD, I added
>> a line
>> ${LOCALBASE}/lib/libatomic_ops.a:${PORTSDIR}/devel/libatomic_ops
> It seems strange to me that a port requires a static library at runtime.
> You should use BUILD_DEPENDS if the library is needed to build the port.
> And you shouldn't put if after inclusion of bsd.port.pre.mk.
> RUN_DEPENDS is for things required at runtime and so usually installed
> in the install step.

My fault. Obviously I didn't understood exactly what the meaning was -
I'm not an english native speaker.


works as expected and it is obviously a fault of mine that a previous
attempt failed.


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