Working on a small port for OpenCL support for CPUs via "freeocl", I run into a problem (runing FreeBSD 10.0-CURRENT).
The port requires devel/libatomic_ops, which installs a static library /usr/lcoal/lib/libatomic_ops.a. Following the instructions in the Porter's Handbook for FreeBSD, I added a line RUN_DEPENDS= ${LOCALBASE}/lib/libatomic_ops.a:${PORTSDIR}/devel/libatomic_ops It seems that this line never gets touched! It never take any action as described in the handbook. The logic in the handbook is quite clear. Even if the file isn't found, there should be a installation triggered! But it doens't. I tested my point with the tag LIB_DEPENDS= which is for shared libraries according to the handbook. The build and installation process always gets involved and triggered, even if it fails later on, when the requiring port doesn't find the shared library it would expect. It seems this is a bug according to the Porter's Handbook. Oliver
PORTNAME= freeocl PORTVERSION= 0.3.6 CATEGORIES= devel MAINTAINER= COMMENT= FreeOCL - a free OpenCL implementation for CPU #MASTER_SITES= MASTER_SITES= DISTNAME= FreeOCL-${PORTVERSION}-src WRKSRC= ${WRKDIR}/FreeOCL-${PORTVERSION}-Source USE_CMAKE= YES CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE= Release USE_GCC= 4.6+ #CXXFLAGS+= -stdlib=libc++ .include <> RUN_DEPENDS= ${LOCALBASE}/lib/libatomic_ops.a:${PORTSDIR}/devel/libatomic_ops .include <>
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