On 11/06/2012 11:32, Baptiste Daroussin wrote:
>> UNIQUENAME importance being because the default location for a port's
>> > OPTIONSFILE is derived from it, and non-uniqueness can lead to ports
>> > fighting over control of that file?  Which is bad when unintentional,
>> > but can be useful for some related ports to share the same options 
>> > settings.

> Well this is the right thing to do but looking at bsd.port.mk and the changes
> needed I get bored and gave up :(

I haven't looked at what would be necessary to fix UNIQUENAME collisions
in any great detail, but I think a number are due to setting PORTNAME to
something basically incorrect.

>> > Does pkgng really need LATEST_LINK at all?  As far as I recall, that
>> > only exists so that the user can say:

> Well no pkgng doesn't need it at all except for pkg itself for the bootstrap 
> :)

Hmmm... so there just has to be pkg.txz at some predictable URL(s) on
the FBSD mirrors?  That doesn't sound like enough to justify keeping
LATEST_LINK related bits in the ports tree.

>> > I don't see the problem with port prefixes changing UNIQUENAME.  Isn't
>> > py27-foo conceptually a different port to py30-foo ?  Yes, they are
>> > built from the same port ORIGIN, but you already intend dropping the
>> > one-to-one correspondence between port ORIGINS and packages with the
>> > introduction of sub-ports.

> Maybe they are different packages, but they have the same options, and from
> pkgng we should be able to detect it as the same package just a different
> runtime which is what they are.

I think I see.  You're thinking of packages that install the same files,
but maybe in a different location (eg. SITE_PERL) or that register
run-time dependencies on a number of different possible providers.

Couldn't that boil down to having several alternate .MANIFEST files in
the pkg? Plus some sort of final-location-independent way of naming the
files to be installed by the package?

On the matter of having alternate RUN_DEPENDS to be set at install time?
 I've wanted to do something like that with databases/phpmyadmin for
ages.  Most of the optional dependencies there are autodetected by the
PHP code at run-time, so it should be possible to just ask the user
which of them they want to have during pkg installation.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                   7 Priory Courtyard
                                                  Flat 3
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JID: matt...@infracaninophile.co.uk               Kent, CT11 9PW

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