On Sun, May 06, 2012 at 05:01:19PM +0200, O. Hartmann wrote:
> On 05/06/12 16:15, Baptiste Daroussin wrote:
> > On Sun, May 06, 2012 at 03:52:57PM +0200, Baptiste Daroussin wrote:
> >> On Sun, May 06, 2012 at 02:30:40PM +0200, O. Hartmann wrote:
> >>> Since LibreOffice 3.5.X can not be build on either FreeBSD
> >>> 9-STABLE/amd64 or FreeBSD 10-CURRENT/amd64 (I tried legacy gcc 4.2.1, I
> >>> tried clang 3.0 and clang 3.1, I tried gcc 4.6 on three different boxes,
> >>> all failing compiling the same way, see
> >>>
> >>> http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr.cgi?pr=167641.
> >>>
> >>> I'd like to ask whether there are sites were binary packages could be
> >>> downloaded from and are there any experiences with installing them on
> >>> either 9-STABLE or 10-CURRENT?
> >>>
> >>> Thank you very much for the patience,
> >>>
> >>> O. Hartmann
> >>>
> >>
> >> LibreOffice fix on current normally (2 days ago)
> >>
> >> For binary packages I think currently there none
> > 
> > Precision: do not try to build libreoffice with gcc it is know to be buggy, 
> > note
> > that if WITH_GCC is defined in you make.conf then building libreoffice will 
> > fail
> > because there is an "hidden" option WITH_GCC to allow people willing to fix
> > build with gcc to do it.
> I do not understand. I tried all options. My systems' OSes are usually
> build with CLANG. USE_GCC= 4.6+ in cases where CLANG is known to be
> buggy or incapable (i.e. due to OpenMP) and setting CC, CXX and CPP for
> legacy gcc 4.2.1.
> How can it be that LibreOffice is broken with any GCC when CLANG is not
> the officiel compiler yet?

Well for libreoffice on freebsd clang is the official compiler, because 4.2.1 is
just too old for libreoffice, and I never managed to make it built (the 3.5)
with gcc from ports.

> I have a portion in /etc/make.conf on all boxes (both CURRENT and
> STABLE) looking like this:
> # editors/libreoffice
> .if ${.CURDIR:M/usr/ports/editors/libreoffice*}
> #USE_GCC=                       4.6+
> #CC=                            cc
> #CXX=                           c++
> #CPP=                           cpp
> DISABLE_MAKE_JOBS=              YES
> WITH_WEBDAV=                    true
> WITHOUT_KDE4=                   true
> WITHOUT_GTK=                    true
> WITHOUT_GTK3=                   true
> WITHOUT_GNOME=                  true
> WITH_JAVA=                      true
> WITHOUT_SYSTRAY=                true
> WITH_MMEDIA=                    true
> WITH_SDK=                       true
> WITH_SVG=                       true
> WITHOUT_DEBUG=                  true
> .endif

This looks good. We used to have a problem with clang 3.1 but normally this
was fixed 2 days ago by jkim@ (make sure you have the latest)

> It seems, even if set "DISBALE_MAKE_JOBS=YES" globally makes
> editors/libreoffice direspect this.

Yes LibreOffice bypass this, because it detects on its own the number of CPU you
have (I haven't found a reliable way to bypass it) that is why the port is mark
MAKE_JOBS_UNSAFE (without that it will spawn really too much processes)

> > 
> > so first do not forget to remove it if you have it
> Sorry, what to remove first? I do not have GCC set in the portion for
> building LibreOffice.

just make sure before start building libreoffice that:
make -VWITH_GCC 
return nothing, if that the case you should be safe.
> > 
> > Sorry not being able to be more helpful
> Thank you very much anyway.
> Regards,
> Oliver
> > 
> > regards,
> > Bapt
> > 
> > 

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