On Sun, May 06, 2012 at 03:52:57PM +0200, Baptiste Daroussin wrote:
> On Sun, May 06, 2012 at 02:30:40PM +0200, O. Hartmann wrote:
> > Since LibreOffice 3.5.X can not be build on either FreeBSD
> > 9-STABLE/amd64 or FreeBSD 10-CURRENT/amd64 (I tried legacy gcc 4.2.1, I
> > tried clang 3.0 and clang 3.1, I tried gcc 4.6 on three different boxes,
> > all failing compiling the same way, see
> > 
> > http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr.cgi?pr=167641.
> > 
> > I'd like to ask whether there are sites were binary packages could be
> > downloaded from and are there any experiences with installing them on
> > either 9-STABLE or 10-CURRENT?
> > 
> > Thank you very much for the patience,
> > 
> > O. Hartmann
> > 
> LibreOffice fix on current normally (2 days ago)
> For binary packages I think currently there none

Precision: do not try to build libreoffice with gcc it is know to be buggy, note
that if WITH_GCC is defined in you make.conf then building libreoffice will fail
because there is an "hidden" option WITH_GCC to allow people willing to fix
build with gcc to do it.

so first do not forget to remove it if you have it

Sorry not being able to be more helpful


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