On Fri, Apr 20, 2012 at 5:29 AM, Vitaly Magerya <vmage...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Chris Inacio wrote:
>> I wanted to add an option to multiple ports - that is easy.  But, those
>> ports have a dependency relationship, and I only want the last node in the
>> port dependency graph to build with that option if the requisite ports have
>> too.
>> In real terms:
>> net/spread <- net/libfixbuf <- net-mgmt/yaf
>> I added a SPREAD option to net/libfixbuf & to net-mgmt/yaf.  net-mgmt/yaf
>> can only build a Spread version if libfixbuf was built with a Spread
>> version.
>> Question 1)  How do you construct such that if a user goes into
>> net-mgmt/yaf chooses Spread and fixbuf isn't already installed, it builds
>> fixbuf with the spread option?
>> Question 2) How do you ensure that if fixbuf is already installed, it has
>> the Spread option enabled, or disallow/error the Yaf Spread option?
> One way to do this is to create a separate port net/libfixbuf-spread
> that either installs separate libfixbuf-spread.so or just conflicts with
> net/libfixbuf, and then make net-mgmt/yaf depend on that if SPREAD
> option is on.

Please do not create a split port that will end up conflict with the
each others. It creates more problems rather than solve.

Either split port without have conflict to the each others or enable
SPREAD by default. If enable by default then add a check error if
libfixbuf-spread.so does not exist then give user a head up to enable
SPREAD back on.

Split port without conflict is always best opinion, but if it's
complicate to do it then do the enable SPREAD by default instead.


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