On 12/04/2012 10:57, Chris Rees wrote:
>> I'm only a lurker and lowly user but could I humbly request that portmanager
>> > is brought back into use? It's simple to use and does what it does 
>> > extremely
>> > well and without fuss. I think the fact that it still "just works" after 
>> > all
>> > this time is a mark of it's worth.

> Unfortunately, many of us do not find that it 'just works'.  There is
> no-one to ask for support, so people resort to asking ports@ or in
> IRC.
> It is also unmaintained, and has many bugs against it:
> http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr-summary.cgi?text=portupgrade

He said *portmanager*  There aren't any open PRs against portmanager and
it has a maintainer.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.
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