On 12/04/2012 04:41, Philip M. Gollucci wrote:
On 04/12/12 03:39, Eitan Adler wrote:
On 11 April 2012 21:55, Bryan Drewery<br...@shatow.net> wrote:
Hi Phillip,
Your last commit on portupgrade [1] indicates to consider portmaster
instead. What are the thoughts on this? Just the lack of a maintainer?
Open PRs that indicate long lasting bugs with no upstream maintainer.
If you would like to pick up development of portupgrade please go
I was considering writing/submitting a patch to support pkgng with
There are many that would be thankful. If you wish to become the
upstream maintainer and release new versions, fix bugs, deal with
existing PRs please do so. I'll be happy to commit the new version.
I'd say with Eitan said, but the architecture and dependencies of
portupgrade make this a daunting task to say the least; however, feel
free to try.
I'm only a lurker and lowly user but could I humbly request that
portmanager is brought back into use? It's simple to use and does what
it does extremely well and without fuss. I think the fact that it still
"just works" after all this time is a mark of it's worth.
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