On Tue, Nov 01, 2011 at 06:06:01AM +1100, Peter Jeremy wrote:
> On 2011-Oct-29 12:34:11 +0300, Kostik Belousov <kostik...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >I think 3-4 months is the reasonable estimation for bringing up both
> >TTM/execution and KMS for radeons. The KMS infrastructure is already
> >ported.
> >
> >If somebody is interested in doing the Radeon driver proper, I may port
> >TTM.
> I'm also interested in this.  Can you give some indication as to what
> is involved?

Involved in what sense ?

Basically, you take the Linux sources, drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/* and makes
them compilable, runnable and then bug-free under FreeBSD. In the course
of actions, you add the missed infrastructure bits from drivers/gpu/drm/*.

The most infrastructure parts needed for the KMS are already ported in my
kms git branch. Biggest missed stuff is TTM, but I already promised to do
it if somebody takes care of the radeon.

The line count for radeon driver is ~100KLOC, that is twice as big as Intel
driver. I am optimistic that the porting will take 3-4 months, judging after
the Intel experience. Also, I am more then willing to help, but definitely
won't do it myself.

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