On Sat, Oct 29, 2011 at 07:24:52PM +1100, Lawrence Stewart wrote:
> On 10/24/11 19:05, Andriy Gapon wrote:
> >on 24/10/2011 07:07 Greg Lewis said the following:
> >>So it seems like even the newest version we support in ports is an
> >>antique :(.  I'm going to guess upgrading it is not going to be easy.
> >
> >Almost trivial in a sense.
> >I've been using xorg-dev for quite a while and it works great (for me).  
> >Mesa is
> >at 7.11 in those ports.
> >
> >http://trillian.chruetertee.ch/ports/wiki
> >
> I too no longer have compositing in KDE 4.7.2 where I used to with 
> 4.6.x. Is there a technical reason the newer MESA hasn't been merged 
> into mainline ports? Or is it purely a manpower thing?

There is newer Mesa in xorg-dev. See the instructions at

There is a rat nest of the system dependencies and ddx/xorg server
versions that makes the update really tricky. Until GEMified i915.ko
is not committed to the src/, the Intel GPUs will not work, I believe.
Also, it seems that Mesa 7.11 is the last release that will work
for Radeon DRM that lacks TTM and execution support.

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