--On August 28, 2011 6:40:58 PM -0400 Jerry <je...@seibercom.net> wrote:

I have no problem with that. No one should be forced to update their
system if they choose not to. However, to carry your statement to its
logical conclusion, you should issue a warning that attempting to
update your system carries dire risks since the updates have not been
properly tested. For the record, users knew exactly why the were
updating "ruby", they wanted to. If it was not to be used, then why
release it? What they did not know was that it was going to bite them
in the ass, like so many other updates (cups+gnutls) have lately. If it
had been failing on a few obscure programs, then I could probably say it
was an unfortunate oversight. When it starts failing on major
applications used by a large number of FreeBSD users, then it should be
labels what it is, incompetency. Opps, did I hurt someone's feeling?
Well, you screwed up my system and wasted hours of my valuable time, so
now we are even.

My advice? Go find yourself a better OS and quit bitching about the one you obviously no longer like.

Your complaints might be legitimate, but your tone, words and attitude stink.

Ooops, did I hurt your feelings?

Paul Schmehl, If it isn't already
obvious, my opinions are my own
and not those of my employer.
"When intelligence argues with stupidity and bias,
intelligence is bound to lose; intelligence has limits,
but stupidity and bias have none."

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