On Mon, 2011-08-29 at 00:28:42 +0200, Michal Varga wrote:

> Yes, I have read the thread and that's why I didn't feel need to add
> anything directly related to _the issue_ - as everything needed was
> already said, and solved, by that time.
> I'm not sure why exactly are you accusing me of ad hominem or any
> other attacks, as I don't remember making any of those. Pointing out
> that I can easily see why Jerry chose that specific tone of his emails
> doesn't really make an attack in my book, sorry. Then, I don't think
> he was really attacking you too, but I'm accustomed to the style of
> sarcasm he opted for, which might possibly be some cultural thing. It
> sometimes happens.

I was not accusing you.  Sarcasm is not useful on a technical mailing
list, no matter how accustomed you are to it.

> > I'm sorry you feel that way, I hope the quality can improve from
> > what you find to be an unacceptably low level.
> Now I just hope you're being sarcastic too.

I am not being sarcastic.  I sincerely hope that the ports experience
can improve for you and other users (myself included).

> What I was trying to point out that every time someone accuses someone
> else of trolling just because the guy was genuinely frustrated or
> angry (and actually, quite right to be), god has to kill a bag of
> kittens somewhere. Not every person that doesn't write in pink letters
> is necessarilly a troll, and not every person making a sarcastic
> comment about a pretty frustrating situation is there to make a
> personal attack (on you, or anyone else).

You are arguing with straw men; no one said anything about pink letters
or preventing the expression of anger or frustration.  If you review
this thread, you will notice others suffered the same problem, were
frustration, but participated in the conversation with decency.

> Did you ever experience the situation down over the supermarket, when
> someone just takes one's parking spot, on which he exclaims "Damn,
> have you seen that? I'd kill that guy!" I hope you understand that he
> really isn't making any life threats (heck, even if he was, like that
> means anything). 

I think you're trying to make an analogy, but it's not working.

> And if you think that now even some random me is just again
> *attacking* you, because I somehow sympathize with Jerry's position..
> Well, I don't know then, but maybe just - harden the LOVE up? (A
> little bit, maybe.)

I do not construe your comments as an attack, but I just don't agree
with much of what you're saying. :)

Sahil Tandon <sa...@freebsd.org>
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