On 06/25/2011 01:08, Carl wrote:
Well I'm not the OP, but I just experienced something very similar. This
arose when I was trying to deal with the combining of ports
print/amspsfnt and print/cmpsfont into print/font-amsfonts. As you can
see below, I had no problem upgrading print/amspsfnt, but the "DISTDIR
cannot be empty" error prevented doing the same for print/cmpsfont.
Although I admit to not showing some commands where I was hunting around
in the man page and looking at the portmaster script, I'm not aware of
doing anything significant other than what you see below, unless perhaps
I switched between one 'screen' window to another (ie. different shell

The fact that the problem was intermittent indicates something environmental.

It doesn't make sense to me, but as you can see it worked
after querying the value of DISTDIR.

This should not make any difference.

I'm sorry you were inconvenienced by this, but there is no data here that I can use to debug.



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