On 05/03/2011 04:58, Ruslan Mahmatkhanov wrote:
03.05.2011 14:33, Gritsuk Anton пишет:

What does it mean? How to fix?

Some addition information:
# du -sh /usr/ports/distfiles/
853M /usr/ports/distfiles/

From man page of ports:
DISTDIR Where to find/put distfiles, normally distfiles/ in PORTSDIR

I saw it too right after updating portmaster to 3.9

The sooner you report the bugs, the sooner I can fix them. :)

The way to debug this is to add -x to the #! line at the top of /usr/local/sbin/portmaster so it looks like this:

#!/bin/sh -x

Then run the following:
script pm.log
portmaster -Dv <whatever you would normally do>

Then send me the log.




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