On 03/27/2011 03:07, J. Hellenthal wrote:
Hi Doug, ...Everyone else,

Since were on the (-i) subject here.

Do you have any plans in the near future to implement a way for
<end-user> to change the default questioning response from [y] to [n] ?

No, sorry. I think it would be very confusing to the average user for the default to be different in different circumstances.

This is speaking strictly in the sense of:
"===>>> Update portname-X.Y,Z? y/n [y]"

And with the above list of ports I think I would rather hit [Return] 50
times than [n][Return]

portmaster is really designed with the idea of keeping all of your ports up to date, not cherry-picking updates. If you have specific ports that you want to keep at a certain version there are at least 2 other ways that you can do that besides -i. I suggest that a thorough reading of the man page may be in order. :)




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