
On Sun, Mar 13, 2011 at 6:56 PM, Torfinn Ingolfsen <tin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Yes, it still fails, but at least the it doesn't complain about missing stuff.
> A debug run:
> tingo@kg-v2$ gscan2pdf --debug
> Constant subroutine main::LC_CTYPE redefined at
> /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.10.1/Exporter.pm line 67.
>  at /usr/local/bin/gscan2pdf line 160
> Prototype mismatch: sub main::LC_CTYPE () vs none at
> /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.10.1/Exporter.pm line 67.
>  at /usr/local/bin/gscan2pdf line 160
> Constant subroutine main::LC_NUMERIC redefined at
> /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.10.1/Exporter.pm line 67.
>  at /usr/local/bin/gscan2pdf line 160
> Prototype mismatch: sub main::LC_NUMERIC () vs none at
> /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.10.1/Exporter.pm line 67.
>  at /usr/local/bin/gscan2pdf line 160
> Constant subroutine main::LC_TIME redefined at
> /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.10.1/Exporter.pm line 67.
>  at /usr/local/bin/gscan2pdf line 160
> Prototype mismatch: sub main::LC_TIME () vs none at
> /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.10.1/Exporter.pm line 67.
>  at /usr/local/bin/gscan2pdf line 160
> Constant subroutine main::LC_COLLATE redefined at
> /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.10.1/Exporter.pm line 67.
>  at /usr/local/bin/gscan2pdf line 160
> Prototype mismatch: sub main::LC_COLLATE () vs none at
> /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.10.1/Exporter.pm line 67.
>  at /usr/local/bin/gscan2pdf line 160
> Constant subroutine main::LC_MONETARY redefined at
> /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.10.1/Exporter.pm line 67.
>  at /usr/local/bin/gscan2pdf line 160
> Prototype mismatch: sub main::LC_MONETARY () vs none at
> /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.10.1/Exporter.pm line 67.
>  at /usr/local/bin/gscan2pdf line 160
> Constant subroutine main::LC_MESSAGES redefined at
> /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.10.1/Exporter.pm line 67.
>  at /usr/local/bin/gscan2pdf line 160
> Prototype mismatch: sub main::LC_MESSAGES () vs none at
> /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.10.1/Exporter.pm line 67.
>  at /usr/local/bin/gscan2pdf line 160
> Constant subroutine main::LC_ALL redefined at
> /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.10.1/Exporter.pm line 67.
>  at /usr/local/bin/gscan2pdf line 160
> Prototype mismatch: sub main::LC_ALL () vs none at
> /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.10.1/Exporter.pm line 67.
>  at /usr/local/bin/gscan2pdf line 160
> This Perl not built to support threads
> Compilation failed in require at /usr/local/bin/gscan2pdf line 12397.
> BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/local/bin/gscan2pdf line 12397.

I rebuilt my perl to be threaded (THREADS=on) and rebuilt all perl
modules, and now gscan2pdf starts up:

tingo@kg-v2$ scanimage -L
device `snapscan:libusb:/dev/usb:/dev/ugen2.2' is a AGFA SNAPSCAN
1212U_2 flatbed scanner
tingo@kg-v2$ gscan2pdf --debug
Constant subroutine main::LC_CTYPE redefined at
/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.10.1/Exporter.pm line 67.
 at /usr/local/bin/gscan2pdf line 160
Prototype mismatch: sub main::LC_CTYPE () vs none at
/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.10.1/Exporter.pm line 67.
 at /usr/local/bin/gscan2pdf line 160
Constant subroutine main::LC_NUMERIC redefined at
/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.10.1/Exporter.pm line 67.
 at /usr/local/bin/gscan2pdf line 160
Prototype mismatch: sub main::LC_NUMERIC () vs none at
/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.10.1/Exporter.pm line 67.
 at /usr/local/bin/gscan2pdf line 160
Constant subroutine main::LC_TIME redefined at
/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.10.1/Exporter.pm line 67.
 at /usr/local/bin/gscan2pdf line 160
Prototype mismatch: sub main::LC_TIME () vs none at
/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.10.1/Exporter.pm line 67.
 at /usr/local/bin/gscan2pdf line 160
Constant subroutine main::LC_COLLATE redefined at
/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.10.1/Exporter.pm line 67.
 at /usr/local/bin/gscan2pdf line 160
Prototype mismatch: sub main::LC_COLLATE () vs none at
/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.10.1/Exporter.pm line 67.
 at /usr/local/bin/gscan2pdf line 160
Constant subroutine main::LC_MONETARY redefined at
/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.10.1/Exporter.pm line 67.
 at /usr/local/bin/gscan2pdf line 160
Prototype mismatch: sub main::LC_MONETARY () vs none at
/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.10.1/Exporter.pm line 67.
 at /usr/local/bin/gscan2pdf line 160
Constant subroutine main::LC_MESSAGES redefined at
/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.10.1/Exporter.pm line 67.
 at /usr/local/bin/gscan2pdf line 160
Prototype mismatch: sub main::LC_MESSAGES () vs none at
/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.10.1/Exporter.pm line 67.
 at /usr/local/bin/gscan2pdf line 160
Constant subroutine main::LC_ALL redefined at
/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.10.1/Exporter.pm line 67.
 at /usr/local/bin/gscan2pdf line 160
Prototype mismatch: sub main::LC_ALL () vs none at
/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.10.1/Exporter.pm line 67.
 at /usr/local/bin/gscan2pdf line 160
Name "PDF::API2::Version::CVersion" used only once: possible typo at
/usr/local/bin/gscan2pdf line 433.
INFO - Starting gscan2pdf 0.9.32
INFO - Log level DEBUG
INFO - Using en_US.ISO8859-1 locale
INFO - Reading config from /home/tingo/.gscan2pdf
Running init
Running sane_init
INFO - Gtk2-Perl version 1.221
INFO - Built for GTK 2.22.1
INFO - Running with GTK 2.22.1
INFO - Using GtkImageView version 1.6.4
INFO - Using Gtk2::ImageView version 0.05
Use of uninitialized value $PDF::API2::Version::CVersion{"vShort"} in
concatenation (.) or string at /usr/local/bin/gscan2pdf line 433.
INFO - Using PDF::API2 version
DEBUG - $VAR1 = {
          'no-blackfilter' => '',
          'profile' => {},
          'frontend' => 'libsane-perl',
          'mode' => 'Color',
          'output-pages' => '1',
          'Paper' => {
                       'US Legal' => {
                                     'y' => '356',
                                     'l' => '0',
                                     'x' => '216',
                                     't' => '0'
                       'US Letter' => {
                                      'y' => '279',
                                      'l' => '0',
                                      'x' => '216',
                                      't' => '0'
                       'A4' => {
                               'y' => '297',
                               'l' => '0',
                               'x' => '210',
                               't' => '0'
          'unsharp radius' => '0',
          'no-border-scan' => '',
          'ocr engine' => 'ocropus',
          'window_maximize' => '',
          'no-blurfilter' => '',
          'y' => '297',
          'white-threshold' => '0.9',
          'layout' => 'single',
          'pid' => '51834',
          'cwd' => '/usr/home/tingo',
          'unsharp amount' => '1',
          'OCR output' => 'replace',
          't' => '0',
          'OCR on scan' => '',
          'Paper size' => 'A4',
          'Page range' => 'all',
          'no-deskew' => '',
          'default' => {
                       'snapscan:libusb:/dev/usb:/dev/ugen2.2' => {

'br-x' => '210'
          'window_height' => '992',
          'user_defined_tools' => 'gimp %i',
          'default filename' => '%a %y-%m-%d',
          'startup warning' => '1',
          'rotate reverse' => '0',
          'brightness' => '0',
          'no-grayfilter' => '',
          'Dark threshold' => '0.12',
          'pages to scan' => '1',
          'no-border-align' => '',
          'resolution' => '300',
          'Blank threshold' => '0.005',
          'unpaper on scan' => '',
          'rotate facing' => '0',
          'cache options' => '',
          'libsane-perl version' => '0.03',
          'x' => '210',
          'downsample dpi' => '150',
          'window_width' => '1009',
          'window_x' => '297',
          'deskew-scan-direction' => 'left,right',
          'threshold tool' => '80',
          'window_y' => '0',
          'quality' => '75',
          'date offset' => '0',
          'unsharp sigma' => '1',
          'thumb panel' => '100',
          'version' => '0.9.32',
          'contrast' => '0',
          'device' => 'snapscan:libusb:/dev/usb:/dev/ugen2.2',
          'scan prefix' => '',
          'unsharp threshold' => '0.05',
          'no-noisefilter' => '',
          'l' => '0',
          'SANE version' => '1.0.21',
          'no-mask-scan' => '',
          'downsample' => '',
          'black-threshold' => '0.33',
          'restore window' => '1',
          'pdf compression' => 'auto'

INFO - Found Image::Magick
INFO - Found ImageMagick
INFO - Found scanadf
INFO - Found xdg-email
INFO - Found gocr
INFO - Found tesseract
INFO - Found cjb2 (djvu)
INFO - Found unpaper
INFO - Found libtiff
INFO - Using /tmp/Fox6lclyrg for temporary files
INFO - Wrote config to /home/tingo/.gscan2pdf
DEBUG - Quitting
Exiting via sane_exit

It seems that a threaded perl is required, in spite of the web site
claiming that it uses libforks-perl (FreeBSD: p5-forks) instead of
I will have to take that up with the author.

Thanks to Sylvio for giving me the necessary hint!

Anyway, gsacn2pd still has problems. When I try to scan, I get this
(started with 'gscan2pdf --debug'):
INFO - Sane->get_devices returned: $VAR1 = [
            'name' => 'snapscan:libusb:/dev/usb:/dev/ugen2.2',
            'model' => 'SNAPSCAN 1212U_2',
            'type' => 'flatbed scanner',
            'vendor' => 'AGFA'

sane_open returned SANE_Handle 16837376
ERROR - opening device: Error during device I/O

But I have necessary permissions:
tingo@kg-v2$ ls -l /dev/ugen2.2 /dev/usb/2.2.0
lrw-rw----  1 root  cups         9 Jan  9 22:52 /dev/ugen2.2 -> usb/2.2.0
crw-rw----  1 root  cups    0, 117 Jan  9 22:49 /dev/usb/2.2.0
tingo@kg-v2$ ls -ld /dev/usb
drwxrwx---  2 root  cups  512 Sep 16 23:36 /dev/usb

and my user (tingo) is a member of the correct group:
tingo@kg-v2$ id
uid=1001(tingo) gid=1001(users)

I even tried as root, and got the same error.

Torfinn Ingolfsen
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