Hi Doug,

I'd like to raise a couple of nits with portmaster (primarily a wish
for more configurability):

1) In v3.0, you added code to nice(1) all make(1) invocations.  In some
cases, the default niceness does not suit me (in particular, I'd often
prefer '0' to '10').  Would it be possible to add an option to control
the priority?

2) In v3.6, you added a "find $WRKDIRPREFIX ..." to the cleanup.  For
various reasons, I have _lots_ of unrelated stuff under that tree and
so the find(1) takes an unacceptably long time to run.  It would be
nice to restrict that search to $WRKDIRPREFIX${.CURDIR} and have an
option to disable it completely.

Peter Jeremy

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