On Mar 10, 2011, at 13:24 , Doug Barton wrote: > Can you give us an idea of how many ports we're talking about? Rather than > having 2 gmake ports (which is likely to last for a very long time, "best > laid plans" aside) can we at least explore the idea of fixing things that are > broken to work with 3.82 first? My suggestion is to do the -exp run, then > post here and to maintainers of broken ports directly and see what a > reasonable time frame would be to get things fixed the right way first.
Preliminary runs show ~50 ports that break with 3.82, some of them unfortunately being dependencies for a reasonable number of others. An -exp has already been run, though there were a number of false positives for whatever reason. There will absolutely _not_ be two gmake ports for anything more than a suitable deprecation period (if it is determined to move ahead) or for perhaps a month (specifically note that devel/gmake381 is marked IGNORE and not attached to the tree, so anyone trying to use it will have ... problems) if it's too much in the way of hacking. > My understanding is that there is _currently_ no pressure to get gmake > upgraded, so at least exploring the idea of doing it without a kludge seems > reasonable to me, although I'm happy to be proven wrong. The "kludge", in terms of actually testing things to get empirical data, rather than hand-waving about the sky falling, is ~4 lines of code in bsd.port.mk. We have a plan, we're going to get the results of that plan, and then do some analysis on it. Working closely with the pkgsrc tree that already _is_ at gmake-3.82 You may find a more productive approach would be to wander over to the gnumake mailing list, and ask why such a massive amount of backwards incompatibility was introduced in a minor version upgrade. Of course, that's entirely your prerogative. In the meantime, I along with a few others are actually going to _do_ the work involved in _testing_ the _possibility_ of this instead of sitting in our armchairs. -aDe _______________________________________________ freebsd-ports@freebsd.org mailing list http://lists.freebsd.org/mailman/listinfo/freebsd-ports To unsubscribe, send any mail to "freebsd-ports-unsubscr...@freebsd.org"