On 03/10/2011 09:43, Ade Lovett wrote:
Work is now underway to bring GNU make 3.82 into the tree.  Sadly,
there are a number of rather unfortunate backwards incompatibility
issues between this and 3.81 which makes a simple replacement

Can you give us an idea of how many ports we're talking about? Rather than having 2 gmake ports (which is likely to last for a very long time, "best laid plans" aside) can we at least explore the idea of fixing things that are broken to work with 3.82 first? My suggestion is to do the -exp run, then post here and to maintainers of broken ports directly and see what a reasonable time frame would be to get things fixed the right way first.

My understanding is that there is _currently_ no pressure to get gmake upgraded, so at least exploring the idea of doing it without a kludge seems reasonable to me, although I'm happy to be proven wrong.



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