Quoth Baptiste Daroussin on Monday, 31 January 2011:
> Thanks all for the testing, sorry I wasn't able to be reactive this WE
> (because of my ISP).
> Anyway the git has version been improved to address most of the
> problem you reported. I'm doing some testing on it but the library
> path issue should be fixed.
> The only thing I haven't fixed yet (I guess) is the .desktop
> integration, I'm not a DE (gnome, kde xfce etc...) user so I first
> need to setup on the those DE and familiarise with it to be sure it
> works correctly :)
> http://git.etoilebsd.net/ports/
> concerning the fix for libtextcat I'll send a patch to thierry@, it's
> my fault I missed a patch when submitting to him the necessary
> changes.
> regards,
> Bapt
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Well, now it fails in a different spot.  The following repeats:

 rm -Rf unxfbsdx.pro
build -- version: 275224

Building module mdds


mkout -- version: 1.8
dmake:  Error: -- 
`./unxfbsdx.pro/misc/cf8a6967f7de535ae257fa411c98eb88-mdds_0.3.0.unpack' not 
found, and can't be made

        Oh dear - something failed during the build - sorry !
  For more help with debugging build errors, please see the section in:

 it seems that the error is inside 'mdds', please re-run build
 inside this module to isolate the error and/or test your fix:

source ./FreeBSDAMDEnv.Set.sh
cd mdds

when the problem is isolated and fixed exit and re-run 'make' from the top-level
sometimes (sadly) it is necessary to rm -Rf unxfbsdx.pro in a module.

Sterling (Chip) Camden | sterl...@camdensoftware.com | 2048D/3A978E4F
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