On Fri, 28 Jan 2011 16:01:13 -0800
Jason Helfman <jhelf...@e-e.com> wrote:

> It failed at this point:
> Compiling: rsc_sw
> sw deliver
> Module 'sw' delivered successfully. 281 files copied, 0 files unchanged
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>          Oh dear - something failed during the build - sorry !
>    For more help with debugging build errors, please see the section in:
>              http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Development
>    internal build errors:
> ERROR: error 65280 occurred while making
> /home/jhelfman/libreoffice/work/libreoffice-build-
>   it seems that the error is inside 'lingucomponent', please re-run build
>   inside this module to isolate the error and/or test your fix:

I had this same problem, I think. It turned out to be an error in
libtextcat, which fails to install its config.h into

After fixing that, the build completed successfully sometime overnight.

This is i386 under FreeBSD-8.2RC2, BTW.

With regard to LD_LIBRARY_PATH vs. ldconfig, the main script
(/usr/local/lib/libreoffice/program/soffice) has "hack" code to
set LD_LIBRARY_PATH for OpenBSD. I added  FreeBSD to that, and it's off
and running.

There does not seem to be any conflict with openoffice.org-3.2.1. (I
built LO without Java support, though.) OOo prefixes file names in
public directories (e.g., /usr/local/bin) with the name and version of
the program, which LO does not do.

The *.desktop files installed in /usr/local/share/applications probably
should not be there. Most of them are incorrect anyway. What OOo does
is create a symlink to its own directory where the *.desktop files
live. Those in the corresponding LO directory work much better, except
none of them show icons in the menu. It looks like this is because the
*.desktop files reference e.g. Icon=libreoffice-base, but the actual
icon is (still) named ooo-base.png.

I haven't done any real testing (yet), but I know that writer and calc
come up and display existing documents.

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