> -----Original Message-----
> From: J. Hellenthal [mailto:jhellent...@gmail.com] On Behalf Of jhell
> Sent: 04 July 2010 11:21
> To: da...@vizion2000.net
> Cc: 'Doug Barton'; k...@freebsd.org; freebsd-ports@freebsd.org
> Subject: Re: Soprano Update eeded to 2.4.4 ? Current version 
> not finding libiodbc
> Lol how long did it take you to write all these emails ? I 
> see this one is 4 hours later than the last one you have sent.
> With all due respect I do not see anyone else having the 
> problem that you are having.
> Following along Doug Barton posting a way for you to fix this 
> I would stick pretty close to that. But... adding to it I 
> would also have you remove the full contents of /usr/local/* 
> and some other common to your problem directories under /var.
> After you have gone through all this and have a pass or fail 
> result, you might consider taking minimal time to write a 
> email as most but only speaking for myself DO NOT HAVE the 
> time to read a book of messages that only consist of a 
> problem that only pertains to you.
> Severity: LOW
> Precedence: LOW
> On 07/04/2010 08:04, da...@vizion2000.net wrote:
> >  
> > I have been ghaving substantial problems with soprano which 
> appears to 
> > caused by Redland Backend not be installed at compile time. 
> The system 
> > is freebsd 7.2 Amd64 on pentium quad core.
> > 
> > 
> > I found an interesting snippet at:
> > 
> > http://forums.freebsd.org/showthread.php?t=14398
> > 
> > Aorchid said:
> > 
> > "On my version there was an option for redland backend in 
> Soprano. If 
> > there is not on yours, you should edit the Makefile so that 
> the option appears.
> > Rascal did build for me and there was no complaining of it being a 
> > broken port...not sure."
> > 
> > After reading this I realised that this could be connected with the 
> > message "Soprano components that will not be built Redland backend" 
> > which referred to http://librdf.org/ and eventually to 
> > http://librdf.org/rasqal/
> > 
> > Console messages demonstrated that soprano was not finding the all 
> > important libiodbc libraries.
> > 
> > I went to http://soprano.sourceforge.net and founf the following:
> > 
> > Soprano 2.4.4 released
> > Wed, 06/30/2010 - 20:20 - trueg
> > Soprano 2.4.4 is a bugfix release - probably the last one 
> before the 
> > release of Soprano 2.5. It features the following changes:
> > 
> > Fix to FindIODBC.cmake which ensures that the correct locations are 
> > searched first. This allows the usage of a locally 
> installed libiodbc.
> > 
> > Any chance of 2.4.4 being made available to see if this 
> fixed the problem?
> >  
Well I have had 4 people contact who have the same problem. I suggest you
read the latest posting to ports which identifies a solution which actually
works.  Unfortunately Doug's solution does not work because it does not deal
with a number of causes of the errors enumerated in my RE: "Redland compile
error missing librdf  -SOLVED" posting. 

However you are right in one thing. An update to Soprano is not required to
fix the problem on freebsd although I understand it is necessary on some
other *ix systems.

However I am sure everyone appreciates your dedication to keeping soprano as
uptodate as possible.


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