On 07/02/10 14:20, da...@vizion2000.net wrote:
> Hi
> Thank you in advance for any solutions
> There seems to be a problem with Redland. When building Soprano it reports
> *Soprano components that will NOT be built:
> *Redland storage backend (missing librdf/redland - http://librdf.org

You keep posting basically the same message over and over, but you're
ignoring the suggestions of the people who have told you how to solve
your problem. You need to do exactly this:

Make sure that your ports tree is up to date
pkg_delete -f redland* raptor* soprano* kdelibs*
cd /var/db/ports && rm -rf redland* raptor* soprano* kdelibs*
cd /usr/ports/textproc/soprano && make clean && make install clean
cd /usr/ports/x11/kdelibs4 && make clean && make install clean

When building these ports you will be presented with various blue and
grey screens with options. Unless you know exactly what you're changing
and why you're changing it, don't make any changes to them, just accept
the defaults (I.e., just hit <Tab> then <Enter>).

If this doesn't work for you, repeat the whole process but for the last
2 steps where it says "make install clean" instead do this both times:


and report what error messages you get.

Please don't post any more messages about this topic until you've
followed the steps above unless you have a question about how to follow
the steps.

Good luck,



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