16.05.2010 08:30, Doug Barton пишет:
On 5/15/2010 8:56 PM, Christer Edwards wrote:
On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 4:51 PM, Jason<jhelf...@e-e.com> wrote:
I ran into this as well, and after completely removing libchamplain, and
doing a rebuild on all libraries needing png, this port installed with no
issue and built against libpng.so.6, as expected.
I'm having a similar issue, although not with libchamplain. Can you
comment regarding how you rebuilt all libraries needing png? I've been
trying to force-rebuilds of ports, but I'm still getting complaints
for applications needing libpng.so
I posted the following already which should tell you what libs you're
missing, and what you need to rebuild, did you not see my message?
Thanks Doug!
Sorry for delay, we had a night time there.
The only library that depend on libpng.so.5 (apart from
libchamplain-0.4.so, libchamplain-gtk-0.4.so and libempathy-gtk.so) was
the libgirepo-Gdk-custom.so that expose a bunch of gir-repository-*
ports that should be deinstalled in favor to other ports. F.e:
gir-repository-gtk20 -> gtk20
gir-repository-pango -> pango
So i deinstall them all and rebuilt all the libchamplain run and build
dependecies (atk, gtk, pango, glib etc). After all of that libchamplain
still doesn't builds with the same error. This is my old-lib-list after
all the rebuilding work:
[...@smeshariki2 ~]> cat old-lib-list
libpng.so.5 => not found (0x0)
libpng.so.5 => not found (0x0)
libpng.so.5 => not found (0x0) libpng.so.5 => not found (0x0)
libpng.so.5 => not found (0x0) libpng.so.5 => not found (0x0)
libpng.so.5 => not found (0x0) libpng.so.5 => not found (0x0)
libpng.so.5 => not found (0x0)
libpng.so.5 => not found (0x0) libpng.so.5 => not found (0x0)
libpng.so.5 => not found (0x0)
for file in /usr/local/lib/*; do
nf=`ldd $file 2>/dev/null | grep 'not found'`
if [ -n "$nf" ]; then
echo $file
echo $nf
echo ''
done> ~/old-lib-list
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