On 5/15/2010 8:56 PM, Christer Edwards wrote:
> On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 4:51 PM, Jason <jhelf...@e-e.com> wrote:
>> I ran into this as well, and after completely removing libchamplain, and
>> doing a rebuild on all libraries needing png, this port installed with no
>> issue and built against libpng.so.6, as expected.
> I'm having a similar issue, although not with libchamplain. Can you
> comment regarding how you rebuilt all libraries needing png? I've been
> trying to force-rebuilds of ports, but I'm still getting complaints
> for applications needing libpng.so

I posted the following already which should tell you what libs you're
missing, and what you need to rebuild, did you not see my message?

for file in /usr/local/lib/*; do
        nf=`ldd $file 2>/dev/null | grep 'not found'`
        if [ -n "$nf" ]; then
                echo $file
                echo $nf
                echo ''
done > ~/old-lib-list


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