On 04/11/10 14:50, Alberto Villa wrote:
> On Sunday 11 April 2010 22:35:02 Doug Barton wrote:
>> No need to do 'sudo portmaster.' Check out the man page for how to
>> configure automatic sudo support.
> i know that option, but i prefer the way `sudo portmaster` works. it's ok, 
> anyway ;)

No worries, that's why it's an option. :)

>> Ok, I'm pretty sure I see the problem. Please test the attached patch
>> and let me know how it goes.
> it works! thank you! :D

Good news, thanks for the bug report. I'll get the fix in today.

> while i'm here, let me say that the --index flag is making updates really 
> faster!

I'm glad to hear that, thank you for the kind words. In my own testing
(on a fairly fast system) it was pretty close, but the benefits
increased in direct relation to the number of out of date ports. So even
if you're not using a custom INDEX at worse it's no real harm, and it
can speed things up.



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