I was going to install gucharmap so I didn't have to worry about
figuring out what file I need to map a compose key in for it to work in
WindowMaker (yeah yeah, lazy me), but I ran into a problem I didn't
cause (haha, keep the comments to yourself):

scrollkeeper-config: not found
scrollkeeper-config: not found
The file '/Templates/C/scrollkeeper_cl.xml' does not exist.
Please check your ScrollKeeper installation.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^<--- Above two lines are the important ones

gmake[2]: *** [gucharmap-C.omf] Error 1
gmake[2]: Leaving directory
gmake[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
gmake[1]: Leaving directory
gmake: *** [all] Error 2
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/deskutils/gucharmap.

So I look to see where scrollkeeper is and where I would find it:

[r...@heaven]whereis scrollkeeper
scrollkeeper: /usr/ports/textproc/scrollkeeper

Apparently it's not installed.

[r...@heaven]make install clean [I already ran make depends to make sure
I had dependencies taken care of]

===>  scrollkeeper-0.3.14_11,1 conflicts with installed package(s):

      They install files into the same place.
      Please remove them first with pkg_delete(1).
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/textproc/scrollkeeper.

So I go find rarian to see where and what it is.

[r...@heaven]cd ../rarian/
[r...@heaven]less pkg-descr
Rarian is designed to be a replacement for scrollkeeper.  It is
                           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^<--- Um really?
currently undergoing heavy development.  As of writing, rarian can be
installed in place of scrollkeeper and everything will work okay.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^<--- Really?

Is gucharmap just an anomoly or is anyone else having this problem with
other apps that used to rely on scrollkeeper? I updated my local ports
collection on 9 April.

I'm going to install regular charmap (or at least try to) as an
alternative. Just thought I'd at least let you guys know about the issue.
Yours In Christ,

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