On 03/19/10 07:14, Robert Huff wrote: <snip> > and what I remember of the original post, which came across as: > > "FreeBSD doesn't have X? Do you not realize how important X > is? Bunch of losers. Fix it, or I'm outta here." > > and - seen that way - drew a predictable and quite human > reaction. Especially when the poster seems to be somewhat more > clueful than someone who is trying FreeBSD becuase "My geek friends > said I should use Linux.".
Is that what I said? I don't recall saying anything of the sort. I do recall asking for a time frame on when a Java update compatible with FF 3.6 would be available. I ask because I am the one who started this thread. I would be more then willing to donate cycles and space for testing and bug reporting. That's going to be the extent of my contributions because I am still getting the hang of tcsh (I'm used to bash, still some things in tcsh that are different enough for me to get used to) and of FreeBSD (I am new to using it also, having taken a multi-year hiatus from any time of *Nix environment (previously Gentoo Linux)). If any of that came across as what you are paraphrasing me (claiming to be remembering the original post) as implying, than I really will leave. It's a dirt-poor attitude to have toward your new users. I'm at least making an effort to not be a n00b. -- Yours In Christ, PIT Emails are not formal business letters, whatever businesses may want. Original content copyright under the OWL http://owl.apotheon.org Please do not CC me. If I'm posting to a list it is because I am subscribed.
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