Hi Everyone,

Let me clarify ...

Starting from JDK 6u10 Java has two different plugins -
old, single VM plugin and new multi-vm one.

Starting from FF3.6 api for old plugin had been removed from FireFox.

So the only way to make javaplugin working with FF3.6 - update ports to 6u10+ (e.g. 6u18)

As temp workaround you can use javaws, if applet doesn't use JavaScript it should work as webstart app with no changes.


On 2010-03-17 21:57, Jason Garrett wrote:
On Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 09:15, Programmer In Training
<p...@joseph-a-nagy-jr.us>  wrote:
I don't know if I should also cc the maintainer for FF3.6, but I'm
posting here. Hopefully they'll see it.

When will we have an updated Java for use in Firefox 3.6? I guess I
could downgrade back to 3.5 if absolutely necessary, but I'd rather not.
Though I imagine an upgraded java would mean I would have to recompile
OOo, too. ):
Yours In Christ,

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Please do not CC me. If I'm posting to a list it is because I am subscribed.

I am also interested. I believe that sun's java is up to Update 18 for
1.6. Port shows Update 3.

Also CC'ing freebsd-java into this. I don't do much code, but I am
willing to do everything I can to help out.
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Dmitry Samersoff
d...@samersoff.net, http://devnull.samersoff.net
* There will come soft rains ...

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