Hi Alexey,
     On Wed, 22 Jul 2009 20:01:33 +0200 Alexey Shuvaev
<shuv...@physik.uni-wuerzburg.de> wrote:
>On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 07:52:11AM -0500, Scott Bennett wrote:
>>      I wrote:
>> >     Sure, but OOo is so huge and requires so much other stuff
>> >that there is almost certainly something it wants installed that
>> >I do not already have installed.
>> >
>> >     Why wouldn't OOo, once installed, simply use whatever were
>> >installed as /usr/local/bin/perl?
>> >     It seems to me that the bigger worry it that portmaster may
>> >try to rebuild it whenever a -a option is used.  portmanager, OTOH,
>> >has a -u option that might do the job.  portupgrade, of course,
>>      My mistake.  portmanager -u is supposed to accomplish roughly
>> what portmaster -a or portupgrade -a accomplishes.  I meant to write
>> portmanager -u -ip packagename rather than what I wrote before.
>> >can have all sorts of things blocked from upgrading by putting the
>> >proper magic into /etc/portupgrade.conf.  If only portmaster had
>> >a similar way of doing things.  Since so many people now advocate
>> >using either portmanager or portmaster to do general upgrades (-a),
>> >rather than portupgrade -a, I guess portmanager is the only method
>> >available to keep OOo from being rebuilt whenever one of its
>> >dependencies gets upgraded.
>> >
>If only you have RTFM %)

     Well, I had read it, but didn't mention it because...

>>From man portmaster:
>     /var/db/pkg/*/+IGNOREME
>           If this file exists, several things will happen:
>           1. The port will be ignored for all purposes, including
>               dependency updates, if there is no directory for it in
>               /usr/ports, and there is no entry for it in /usr/ports/MOVED.
>               If the -v option is used, the fact that the port is being
>               ignored will be mentioned.
>           2. If using the
>               -L option, and a new version exists, the existence of the
>               +IGNOREME file will be mentioned.
>           3. If you do a regular update of the port, or if the
>               -a option is being used, you will be asked if you want to
>               update the port anyway; unless the -u option is being used, in
>               which case the port will be ignored.
>touch /var/db/pkg/openoffice.org-XXXX/+IGNOREME
>would do the trick.
...I figured that the next time either cvsup or portsnap--I normally use the
latter--were run to update the ports tree, that it would "correct" such
changes as being discrepancies from the official version of the ports tree.
I don't want to use a method that would have to be done manually every time
I run portsnap.  If that is mistaken, please let me know.
     Also, the /etc/portupgrade.conf method allows a list of ports one does
not want automatically rebuilt to be kept in a single location, rather than
as files dispersed throughout the ports directory tree, which I grant was
not the issue I was originally posting about, but it is an advantage over
the +IGNOREME method.
     Here's a related question.  Where can I find a list/table of advantages
and disadvantages for each of portmanager, portmaster, and portupgrade?  I
don't want a flame war, just a list or table, so that I can decide for myself
which set of advantages and disadvantages will serve me best or will piss me
off least. :-)

                                  Scott Bennett, Comm. ASMELG, CFIAG
* Internet:       bennett at cs.niu.edu                              *
* "A well regulated and disciplined militia, is at all times a good  *
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