I wrote:
>     Finally getting back to this...sigh...
>     On Thu, 09 Jul 2009 14:10:54 -0400 Lowell Gilbert
><freebsd-ports-lo...@be-well.ilk.org> wrote:
>>Scott Bennett <benn...@cs.niu.edu> writes:
>>>      What is the best way to install OpenOffice.org from a package without
>>> the installation trying to reinstall perl5.8 over perl5.10?
>>Get a package that includes them?
>     Do you have any suggestions of where to find such a beast?
>>Short of that, you would have to install the package without
>>dependencies.  There is a pkg_add option to do this, but the 
>     Sure, but OOo is so huge and requires so much other stuff
>that there is almost certainly something it wants installed that
>I do not already have installed.
>>trick comes afterwards, when you have to fix it up to use the 
>>perl you actually have (perl-after-upgrade(1) might be able to
>>handle this, but you have no guarantees.).  Or you could just 
>     Why wouldn't OOo, once installed, simply use whatever were
>installed as /usr/local/bin/perl?
>     It seems to me that the bigger worry it that portmaster may
>try to rebuild it whenever a -a option is used.  portmanager, OTOH,
>has a -u option that might do the job.  portupgrade, of course,

     My mistake.  portmanager -u is supposed to accomplish roughly
what portmaster -a or portupgrade -a accomplishes.  I meant to write
portmanager -u -ip packagename rather than what I wrote before.

>can have all sorts of things blocked from upgrading by putting the
>proper magic into /etc/portupgrade.conf.  If only portmaster had
>a similar way of doing things.  Since so many people now advocate
>using either portmanager or portmaster to do general upgrades (-a),
>rather than portupgrade -a, I guess portmanager is the only method
>available to keep OOo from being rebuilt whenever one of its
>dependencies gets upgraded.
>>install both perl versions; they should be able to coexist 
>>just fine.
>     That would be nice and reasonably simple if it were an option.
>Unfortunately, the two versions are incompatible.

                                  Scott Bennett, Comm. ASMELG, CFIAG
* Internet:       bennett at cs.niu.edu                              *
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